Order of Ministry Admission from Other Denominations

Ministers from other denominations interested in transferring credentials to The United Church of Canada (UCC) should direct their inquiries about this process to the Office of Vocations for the UCC who will provide support for the minister’s discernment and ensure that they understand the requirements of the admissions process. The admissions process, including contact information for inquiries, is outlined at The United Church of Canada website via this link: https://united-church.ca/leadership/entering-ministry/processes-entering-ordered-ministry/admission-process

The UCC Admissions Stream at St. Andrew’s College includes specific courses to fulfill some or all educational components and opportunities to cover the subject material required by the UCC Admissions Board in their new (Sept 2019) guidelines: https://united-church.ca/sites/default/files/handbook_admission_order-of-ministry.pdf

Interested applicants register with St. Andrew’s College as “occasional students” and may take up to four courses. Such courses may be transferrable to certificates or degree programs at St. Andrew’s College once admissions have re-opened.

All students in this stream are encouraged to consult with the Admission Board to confirm whether occasional courses taken at St. Andrew’s fulfil the competency learning outcomes as described in the Admissions handbook. St. Andrew’s College will provide reports to the UCC Admissions Board upon request by the student.

Upon completion and upon request by the student, students will receive a transcript of courses taken.

All policies and regulations of the College will apply.