Faculty Publications

Faculty members of St. Andrew’s College have authored several books on various topics of interest to clergy, academics, and interested lay people that the college stocks for resale. For more information or to purchase visit our online Bookstore and purchase with PayPal or contact St. Andrew’s College.

Jesus and the Marginalized: Jesus Christ for Koreans in The United Church of Canada
By Don Schweitzer and Ohwang Kwon
$20.50 (inc. Canadian S&H); $38.00 (inc. international S&H) PDF: $15.50
Available in English and Korean

Jesus and the Marginalized explores the meaning of Jesus for Koreans in the United Church of Canada, and in the Canadian context. After discussing the marginality that Koreans experience here, it examines how Jesus enables Koreans to withstand this, and live prophetically in their liminal situation.

Mission and Migration: The Changing Mission Goals
of The United Church of Canada and the Mission of Koreans Within It
by HyeRan Kim-Cragg & Don Schweitzer
$17.50 (inc. Canadian S/H) $35 (inc. international S/H)

Mission and Migration: The Changing Mission Goals of The United Church of Canada and the Mission of Koreans Within It, is co-authored by Don Schweitzer and HyeRan Kim-Cragg. It is the third book originating from engagements with Korean-speaking United Church leaders across the country, a process the co-authors refer to as their “intercultural adventures

The Authority and Interpretation of Scripture
in The United Church of Canada
(An Intercultural Adventure Part II)
by HyeRan Kim-Cragg & Don Schweitzer
v(2016)  144 pages Daejanggan Publisher
$10.00 (plus S/H)
Available in hard copy or in E-book format
Download the book’s author sheet

How is the authority of Scripture understood and how is Scripture interpreted in the United Church? This book provides insightful and accessible answers to these questions through a study of United Church faith statements and several case studies of denominational-shaping interpretations of Scripture by the United Church. The result is overview of how the United Church understands Scripture and has tended to interpret it, and a window on one aspect of the United Church’s history. Through this overview, the book also mirrors the importance of Scripture for the church today.
This book was developed with funding from a UCC Responsive Initiatives Grant. It addresses questions concerning the authority and interpretation of Scripture in the United Church being raised by lay members and clergy in the UCC who have recently immigrated to Canada.

An Introduction to The United Church of Canada:
Key Texts with Introductions and Commentary.
Introduction and Commentary
by HyeRan Kim-Cragg & Don Schweitzer
v(2012)  91 pages  $8.00
Available in hard copy or in E-book format
Download the book’s author sheet

This book provides a brief, accessible, reader-friendly introduction to the ethos and history of The United Church of Canada (UCC). It will be useful to anyone seeking to learn about the UCC; where it has been, and where it is going. It will also be helpful to UCC leaders who need a resource to help congregation members broaden and deepen their knowledge of the UCC’s denominational identity. It could be used in study groups or for confirmation or new members’ classes.

The book features excerpts with commentary from the following UCC documents: 1) “The State of the Church” and “Called to be Church” (2009); 2) the “Historical Statement” by the Joint Committee on Church Union and Samuel Chown’s statement regarding the election of the Moderator, from the Record of Proceedings of the 1st General Council, 1925; 3) the complete text of A Song of Faith with appendices, and excerpts from “Intercultural Ministries: Living into Transformation” from the Record of Proceedings of the 41 General Council, 2012.

Each document has a brief introduction and commentary, written by professors HyeRan Kim-Cragg and Don Schweitzer. The book begins with an introduction to the collection as a whole and ends with a concluding commentary.

This book was developed with funding from a UCC Responsive Initiatives Grant, in response to a request from clergy in admission process serving Korean-speaking UCC congregations, and was originally printed in Korean. It is now also available in English.

지금은 두터운 신앙형성에 대한 소명감을 되찾아야  할 때!!
복음을 들려주고, 그 복음이 다시 메아리로 울려 퍼져서 우리를 교회가 되라고 부르시는 하나님에게 닿을 수 있도록  할 때!!
캐나다 연합교회가 다른 문화와 신앙풍토를 가진 한국인들에게는 익숙하지 않을 수 있습니다. 여기에 포함된 문서들은 캐나다 연합교회의 한국인들을 위한 연합교회 안내서로 역사와 신학, 직면한 문제, 그리고 현재 진행 중인 주요 활동들을 보여줍니다.
1장. 교회로의 상황과 교회로의 부르심
2장. 교회 연합을 위한 공동위원회 역사적 선언서와 Chown 목사의 연설
3장. 믿음의 노래
4장.  문화상호적인 목회: 변화  안에서 살아가기
캐나다 연합교회의 한국인을 위한 연합교회 안내서:
가격 $5 (운송료 제외); ebook PDF 판매합니다 ($8).
한국어본 영어본 둘 다 판매합니다.

 여기 클릭하시면 브로셔를 다운로드 하실 수 있습니다.

Study Guide for the United Church of Canada, A History
($5.00 including GST)

The United Church of Canada: A History is divided into two parts: The first part studies the history of The United Church of Canada in chronological order, from its formation until roughly 2003. Most chapters in the first part cover a time period of about a decade. The second part is made up of chapters studying particular topics. This six-session study guide for the book focuses on the first part of the book and does not cover all of the second. Reading the book with this study guide should help you gain an understanding of the history of the United Church: how it came into being, and how it has come to be the church it is today.

Jesus Christ for Contemporary Life: His Person, Work, and Relationships
Don Schweitzer
($30.00 including GST)

Jesus Christ for Contemporary Life is an understanding of Jesus as the Word of God, grounded in what can be known historically of Jesus and informed by subsequent reflection upon him, which hopes to help shape a Christian identity characterized by “bounded openness.” In Jesus Christ for Contemporary Life, Don Schweitzer explores the significance of the person, work, and relationships of Jesus Christ for contemporary life. He moves from the historical Jesus to the present in three parts. In the first part Schweitzer develops an understanding of Jesus as the Word of God, who became incarnate to give the goodness and beauty of God further expression in time and space. Second, he explores how various atonement theories articulate ways in which Jesus empowers people to further express this beauty and goodness in their own lives. And finally, Schweitzer explores how Jesus relates to people in the church, to the events and movements in history, to other religions, and to Christians in their dialogue with God in prayer. 

Sharing Our Song: Song, Story & Prayer from St. Andrew’s College
($5.00 including GST)

For more than 100 years, St. Andrew’s College has been a centre of inquiry, learning, and creativity for those seeking to explore and share faith. In 2008, as a warm-up for the College’s 100th anniversary celebration, a small committee decided to share of that creative endeavour. This book features faith songs, prayers, and poems written by students, graduates, honorary graduates, and regular and adjunct faculty members. Complemented with archival photos, the book can serve as a memento, a resource for personal devotion or worship planning, or in a set for use by congregations and choirs.